Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Moss Graffiti

Moss Graffiti (A how to guide)

*results may vary*

Most of the stuff you're gonna find on the internet is cheating, usually moss carefully cut and pasted on a wall into the elaborate shapes you see in pictures (like the hipster GROW pictures).

BUT, moss graffiti is a real thing and would be fun to try out around campus this spring.... Especially since the legality is hazy (you're planting moss, not permanently vandalizing a wall.)

Here is a basic guide to doing some at home.  You just need moss, buttermilk, sugar, and beer (so have a green graffiti party and use up all the extra beer. You can also make seed bombs.)



Another great idea for "green" graffiti is a new trend called "reverse graffiti" which is art through cleaning..
Essentially, you erase the soot and pollution built up in urban areas to create a reverse image.
Again, legality is gray (or green) but it has prompted local officials to clean the streets..


Have fun (and don't get caught)!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the reverse graffiti idea! Traditional painters often work 'subtractively' in the under layers to their painting, making luminous images in that fashion. Cool!
